A Macintosh Resource Site
for the Milwaukee Metro Area

Custard Flavors Widget… R.I.P.

This page previously provided information about and a download link for a simple macOS Dashboard widget, “Custard Flavors.picture of Custard Flavors widget

I had programmed the widget to display the frozen custard “Flavors of the Day” from one of our area’s delightful dessert pleasure palaces: Kopp’s Frozen Custard™.

Unfortunately, the underlying and enabling technology of “widgets,” Apple's “Dashboard” software, has been removed from macOS.

The Custard Flavors widget will therefore no longer run in recent versions of the Macintosh Operating System.

Consequently the Custard Flavors widget has been withdrawn from distribution. It served its purpose as an educational programming exercise for me and as a simple yet informative resource for Milwaukee custard lovers.

May the Custard Flavors widget rest in peace…